The process of relocating from one home to another is a very big step for any given family; you have to say goodbye to the old routines, the environment and even the people that you were accustomed to. While the process of moving is a complex activity for the adults; it is even harder for[Read more]
Keeping everyone in the family safe is an impossible task because you can’t follow them everywhere but you can guarantee safety at home. Home safety is one of the most important things because the house is full of hazards from stoves to knives, stairs and even the bathroom. Here are the top hazards and how[Read more]
While the kids are at home it is important to spend as much time with them as possible. Bond with them and show them they have a friend in you. Here are a few ideas on how you can make their time at home worthwhile. FAMILY FUN While the kids are at home it is[Read more]